Month: August 2015

Once Upon A Time – Finished!!

I’ve been meaning to write this post for the longest time, but never got around to it.

Remember the Once Upon A Time sampler? That I started in February last year and promptly got ridiculously behind, and never caught up? I finished it!

Here’s where I was last time I blogged about this –


I then proceeded to put ALL my energy (except for when Story Time got released) into finishing this one off, rather than my usual rotation of a million different piece.

July – Thumbelina:


August – Musicians of Bremen:


September – Rapunzel:


Did I post about how I stuffed up the bottom border? It was horrible. I had to pull out SO MUCH of it, after thinking about it for a while and deciding that if I didn’t fix it, I’d be bothered forever:


October – Cinderella:


November – Little Red Riding Hood:


December – Hansel & Gretel:


And finally, the finished piece!!


I tossed up for a while what to put down the bottom (whether to put 2014, when it was released / when I started it, or 2015, when I finished it – I tried to chart “The End” but I couldn’t make it work) but in the end I went for the original 2014 as that’s really when I started it.  Now I just have to save up to get it framed!

Woodland Sampler

I bought the pattern for the Woodland Sampler last year – it’s another Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery design, and I’ve always found it incredibly cute! It then took me a few months to find the perfect fabric, and I think I succeeded when I came across this from SewItAll, a local store where I get most of my fabric from in Australia:


I’ve definitely found that stitching the frames first helps with my motivation and it’s been so helpful in doing it! The first few months are stitching up fairly quickly…


How cute are they!?


I’m not used to blocks where everything is filled in! Definitely took a while especially as it was a darker colour, wanting to make sure I had full coverage.


March was definitely the quickest block – the same day I finished February, I knocked out March as well in a few hours.


I think April is where I noticed the “double” sized blocks were going to be a lot more work than I initially though!


This gnome is totally adorable, I love it.

I’m currently halfway through the June block and want to finish it in the next day or so – my friends from our monthly stitchy group were ‘encouraging’ (challenging!) me to finish this by our next meet up on the 22nd and at one point I thought I’d get there, but I’ve been sick this month and haven’t had time. July through to December are all quite bit blocks (not only is there a lot of detail, but there’s a lot less blank space as well) so I don’t think I’d even be able to knock out a block a day. That said, I’ll still give it a crack and see how I go! I haven’t been taking photos daily of these ones, just posting the finished block on Instagram, but I’m loving how it’s coming together.