I’ve been on a massive cross stitch kick lately, and have managed to actually get a couple of finishes! I’ve also been incredibly behind on blogging (to the point where my website was down and I didn’t even realise – good job, me) so I have them queued up to go up in the next few days.  My embroidery is falling to the wayside and as usually I keep signing up to new projects – but here’s what I’ve been working on.

Remember how a while back I made a new start on a Heaven and Earth Designs project, even though I already had the grey blob? Well, I’m still in love with this pattern and I pulled it out again when I hit a couple of finishes.  Here’s where I was at a few months ago before it got put away:


So many different shades in there! You can kind of make out the pattern, if you know what you’re looking for. But, I did then manage to get a page finish!


You can make out the trees and some of the forest background! When I bought this chart, I bought it in the “large” format, which was a godsend – the symbols are a bit easier to read, and it helps that the pages are a bit smaller to finish.


I then promptly moved onto the second page and here’s where it is right now. The tree trunks are definitely getting some more definition to them! I also think I have a real chance of finishing this page in a week or so which is amazing for me (provided I don’t get distracted by any other projects, of course…)

I was also asked by someone to take a picture of the back for this one, so here it is.


For a piece that is so full of confetti I have to say I’m a bit proud of how neat I’ve been managing to keep the back! Don’t get me wrong, there’s threads all over the place, but I seem to have tucked them in neatly. Hopefully I can finish the rest of the things so neatly…

If you’re over on Instagram feel free to check out my page – I’m trying to remember to post a new picture daily as it’s great to go back and check out my progress especially on those days when it feels like I’ve made no progress at all!