Month: February 2015

“Why don’t you sell them?” – The reality

If you’re a crafter, you’ve probably heard at least once, “You should sell [insert item of craft here], you’d make heaps of money!”

I know I’ve heard it a ton of times.  It’s an innocent comment, but there’s a harsh reality to it.

Don’t get me wrong – I’ve seen some amazing works being sold at conventions, in Etsy stores, in markets, and seen so many brilliant ideas on Instagram that have inspired me. I’m not saying it’s not possible to turn craft into a business – but realistically, if it’s something that’s done as a hobby, it’s next to impossible to actually turn that into a profit.

I showed someone one of my Heaven and Earth Designs charts, once, and she wanted me to do one for her. If you’re a cross stitcher, you’re aware of how amazingly detailed those charts are – and just how much time and effort goes into them.  I’ve been working on one of them for two years already (admittedly, it’s because I have Crafting ADD and keep changing projects).  There are some who can smash one out in a few months, but that’s definitely the rarity.  And there are so many hours that go into that work.  Let’s not even talk about the cost of the materials themselves – you’re looking around $25 minimum for the fabric, then the cost of the threads.  44c in the US still adds up to about $40 by the time you include all of the skeins, and if you’re in Australia, you’re looking closer to a dollar per skein.  When I kitted up Red Riding Hood, that was about $55 that I spent on the threads (thank you, Christmas money), and that was when Lincraft had their 40% off yearly sale.

You’re a quilter?  A lot of patterns call for a fat quarter bundle, and they can average about $100 each.  Add in the threads, the binding, the backing fabric, and the batting, and your price tag has gone up exponentially.

That’s just the materials.  How then, do you work out how much to charge?  I’ve seen numbers tossed around for cross stitching, where often 1c per stitch is the ‘guideline’. Great for smaller pieces. A Heaven and Earth Design chart? Their minis average around 70,000 stitches. What about their “regular” charts, or their large sized ones.  Do you charge a set fee, or an hourly rate?

That being said, a lot of people who do craft as their hobby don’t do it for the money, they do it for their love of the craft, and the enjoyment of being able to hand craft someone as a gift.  It’s not about expecting the recipient to know just how much time has gone into it, and expecting a gushing thank you, because to be honest, I don’t expect people who don’t craft to appreciate the intricacies of cross stitch, or embroidery, or quilting, but it’s about knowing I’ve made something for them that is unique, and one of a kind, and it’s not something they can just wander down to the local shopping centre and buy as a mass produced item.

Now that I’ve seriously gotten back into craft (and the growing stash in my craft room can attest to that), I look at patterns with an eye for making it for someone, not just something that I’d like. I made a number of projects for friends and family last year for birthdays and for Christmas.  Sure, it took me ages, and made me pull my hair out when I realised I had a deadline approaching, and sure, it would have been a hell of a lot easier to just go and buy something, but I didn’t want to.  I saw patterns, went in my mind, “Oh, that would be perfect for X”, and bought them.  I’ve already come across a number of ideas for presents for this year, and it’s already February.  The life of a crafter means that hand made gifts have a longer lead time and need more planning. The perfect pattern, the perfect fabric – and then you have to make it.

When I gave my presents, the reactions varied.  They ranged from understanding just how much work went into it, to just a genuine thank you and knowing it was hand made and a sincere appreciation of the presents – and that’s honestly all I wanted.

And then there’s instances where I didn’t get an acknowledgement, let alone a thank you.

And that upsets me.  Hours – weeks of work, and no comment.  I’m not expecting a critique, for someone to comment on the satin stitch (passable) or the chain stitch (tiny), but just a simple thank you.  Hand made craft items don’t have a determined value, but they’re still a gift.

Ultimately, though, this is where the problem lies with selling hand made items.  There’s no set value.  Do you charge materials + time spent + an hourly rate?  What may be the true cost of making something, may be realistically far too high. You could charge just materials, and maybe a little more, but this certainly wouldn’t cover expenses if this was your primary source of income. And you also have to take into account just how long it takes to make one item, whether this is an individual or a few of the same, and how quickly and easily you can produce them. If you’re going to be making a quilt, that’s not just something you can churn out overnight (and if you can, serious props to you).

I’m not saying it’s not possible to sell your items and turn what was a hobby into a stream of income – but it’s certainly not as easy as just “you could make money from this, you should sell them!”

Story Time Sampler: February

Is it the 15th of February already?? The month is going by so quickly – guess it means it’s time for the first check in post.

I’ve kept on top of this one (which is still a far cry from the Once Upon A Time sampler, where I am still on April’s block) and I love how adorable this is to stitch up.


I had intended to try and finish the banner before the clue was released, but failed.

I did manage to finish it not long afterwards, though!


I’m really enjoying the Weeks Dye Works threads and I am dying to see what the next months are.  Any thoughts?  Personally I think August will be Sherlock Holmes, the gap up the top looks just about right for his hate, although I’m stuck on the rest of them.

Don’t forget to add your link so your fellow stitchers can see how you’re going!

Another new start

I know, I know, I should really be working on some of my endless WIPs, but this has been calling out at me for so long and has been kitted up for a month that I had to make a start!


I sent a text to one of my best friend’s with the above picture.  The response was “WHAT IS THAT.  IS THAT RED RIDING HOOD?” … She knows me too well.


Day 1 Progress.


Day 2 Progress. Believe it or not, that blob on the left is two different colours.


Day 3 progress. Starting to introduce varying shades in – I’m a big fan of cross country stitching, I am far too uncoordinated for parking.


Day 5 – or, as I call it, “Avoid the confetti (single stitches of one colour) for as long as possible”.  I can’t wait until I finally get some kind of pattern coming through – not that this area will have much as it’s the ground and the side of the forest, but I’m hopeful that eventually it will be distinguishable as the forest!

I’ve never gridded my fabric before and seem to be doing fine with my other Heaven and Earth Designs chart (Mini Watching It Fly), however that has a lot less colours – 16 vs. 81!  It’s too late now, but I may keep it in mind for future projects.

I think my aim on this is to finish about four rows across completely – my next aim is to try and fill in those single stitches, but at least I’ve made a bit of progress! The whole thing is just shy of 70,000 stitches, and I’d be surprised if I’ve done more than 1000…. this could take a while.

Beginning United Stitches

A bit of a change now – some embroidery work!

I’ve made a start on the first stitchery for Rosalie Quinlan’s “United Stitches”, her 2015 block of the month (with a twist). It’s my first time using Staflex instead of Parlan, but because this is being turned into a quilt, I didn’t want parts of it to be thicker than the other. I admit, had a bit of a moment with the Staflex and wasn’t 100% confident which side was the side to iron on, but since it stayed put I figured it’d work 😉


My goal for yesterday was to finish all of the dark green. I finished that quicker than I thought, so had to revise my plan…


I’m still not a massive fan of satin stitch, mostly because I never think it looks as good as it should – but at least I’ve done a passable job. I’m really enjoying stitching this so far, probably because it’s stitching up pretty quickly (although give it a couple of months and then we’ll see how far behind I get…)


I did come across a bit of a problem though – the picture has three different shades of blue but only calls for two colours! Which doesn’t seem to add up – I’m going to have to dig out the rest of the threads and see what’s going on here, has anyone else stitched this one yet and come across the same thing?

I’m still stitching on Ode to Dogloaf (no updated pictures though) and I’m hoping to finish the bottom part of the neck today or tomorrow, and it’s really coming together!

In case you missed it, I’ve also started a Stitch-A-Long for the 2015 Story Time Sampler – head on over if you want to take a look and sign up!

A new home…

Looky – it’s a brand new home for my blog! I’ve transferred it over (although I still need to get some kind of redirect going on from the wordpress site), but I took the plunge and have now officially got my own blog.  There were a few thing I was trying to do that wouldn’t play nice on the hosted site, so now I’ve moved over and can do whatever I want! Plus, I do like having my schmancy own blog url, I have to admit.

I’ve been busy, though! Incredibly, I am still managing to stay on track with my Story Time Sampler, and have completed February:


Yet another adorable frame – The Secret Garden.

I’ve also created a stitch-a-long for the Story Time Sampler as I’ve seen a number of people mention they have a blog – go along and check it out, the link is right here, or alternatively, can be found at the top of the page.

Finishing this meant I could put it away until the end of the month, which means that I can pull out my Ode to Dogloaf!

When I last posted about it with my goals, I was here:


And after stitching on it for most of today while I was curled up on the couch, sick, here’s where I’m at:


It doesn’t feel like heaps of progress, but I’m slowly getting the bottom part of it stitched in – why on earth I continue to pick patterns that are in the same colour, I will never know.  I’m really hoping to get most of this done by the end of the month, but if that fails, I’m heading off on a craft retreat so you never know what that will bring!

Part of me is dying to start my new Heaven and Earth Designs chart now I have the fabric and it’s fully kitted, and then I also want to start the 2013 Woodland Sampler – but then I know that I have so many other projects on the go that I really need to at least finish ONE of them – or at the very least one of the pages….