Month: November 2013

And so the stash begins.

I went on a bit of a road trip today, and made my way down to visit Craft Haven in Berwick with a friend to pick up some fabric for a couple of new projects.

Despite having absolutely no idea what I was looking for at the beginning, I’d say it was a very successful trip and I’m hanging out to start work on these projects, but sadly they will have to wait until I finish at least one of my current WIPs.


Fabric for 3 separate projects… love the look of them together!

In the top left – fabric for Gail Pan’s Friendship Daisies bag; top right – fabric and threads for Leanne Beasley’s Enjoy Today & Live Simply companion pieces (I’ve got the pattern for the first, am yet to buy the second, but have bought enough fabric for both so they match), and in the bottom, fabric for Leanne’s Sew, Laugh, Love which I plan on stitching in her colours, but changing out the border fabrics.

If this continues, I’m going to have to find a bigger box to keep my stash…

Another craft addiction? Why not.

As a lot of you know, I’ve been very much into cross stitch for the last couple of years. In typical crafter fashion, I have a number of different projects on the go, because I’m a compulsive starter but not so much a finisher.

Recently though, I joined my mother, who gave me my passion for crafting, at a Christmas Gathering run by Gail Pan and Leanne Beasley. The projects given on the day were stitchery, rather than embroidery, and Gail was extremely patient teaching me the satin stitches and colonial knots that I have now (finally) mastered.

We were given two kits – one from each designer – and I’ve started work on Gail’s design first.


I’m making steady progress on it, and am quite impressed with it as a first timer, but suffice to say I’ve caught the bug and have another type of craft to add to my repertoire. At this point my husband has just stopped commenting when I buy new projects.

Inspired by a lot of the other bloggers out there, I’m going to finally try and post on my blog more often, if only because I’m sure by now my twitter followers are getting sick of all the craft posts, and because going back to see my progress has always been one of my greatest inspirations that yes, it’s a big project, but it’s getting there.

Hopefully in a couple of weeks I’ll have the finished stitchery to show off (with the bonus of actually finishing a project!)